Monday, March 23, 2009

First Weekend in Spring!

It took me two days to get this post together! :P

~~~~Happy Birthday, CC!! ~~~~

Well, the vernal equinox was Friday, CC's birthday is Monday - which is now TODAY!! - Daylight Saving Time has begun, and we begin to see Tali's birthday on the horizon. Things must be getting better, right? So many auspicious events all so close together? :)

Here in Blackburnia, this is what we've been seeing the last few days.

A low rainbow just barely made it up into the sky, here. Sort of lends the train an air of cosmic significance, don't you think?

Another frosty morning. Check out the scenery.
Here's a crocus, edged with frost.

These next two are pretty cool, I think. It's dirt. And ice. Icey dirt, which gets extruded up out of the soil in these little dirt-ice flowers; or dirty, tiny fortresses of solitude.

C'mon! That's cool, don't you think?

Back to the flowers. Here's a tulip, all leopard spotted with frost.

The crocusses I showed you earlier are going strong, now.

These are daffodils, or will be, and a lilac (I think) leaf that made it all the way through the winter. They get all lacey like that, though how they survive, I can't imagine!

Here's the wisteria ... It has a ways to go! But I like this picture, anyway.

I took a crocus in to keep Spidey company in the windowsill. It's in a Naxos Citron bottle. Ah, memories!

Pogo, what's on your mind, pretty boy? Trying to fit into that little sunbeam? Nice try, buddy!

Oh! I see! You're either trying to figure out how to get even more buff on the workout machine, or contemplating those two big balls. Feeling bitter, at all? ;)

Sunday was World Water Day. P and H had a display in the B'ham event. Wish I'd been there to help set up! Like our cool display wall?

Okay, now I'm just going to try this. It's a sound file. Hopefully, it will play you the sounds of my world, at around 11:30 this morning. (Should be a QuickTime file.)
Hmm. That didn't work. I'll try to figure that out, and get back to you.


  1. Haven't commented in a while - but check in regularly - love IT ALL! Your writing, the great pix. I just now found Spidey! Love the dirt flowers! I think the display wall could have used your eye!


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